Saturday, February 18, 2006

Youth in Rodeo-Our Future Stars

Youth in Rodeo-Our Future Stars
I would like to highlight two of Kentucky's  talented  riders here.They are Steven and Brittany Back of Nortonsville,KY.
Brittany Back was born in Madisonville ,KY and began barrel racing  in the 4-H circuit.At age eleven she learned about KYJr. Rodeo and began riding there also. She learned a lot after her first rodeo turned out to be not all she had wanted it to be. With help from college rodeo students ,the backing of her mother and brothers and additional help from her instructors at the 4-H camp Brittany began to improve.Soon she was placing in the top ten and her mom Rachel and brothers Steven and Daniel helped her buy a new horse.
In 2002  Brittany was the Hopkins  County Hippology winner.In 2003 was the Pennyrile area 4-H horse show barrel racing champion, the Hopkins County 4-H barrel champion, Hopkins County 4-H High Point Winner, and  finished in the top ten in poles in the Kentucky Jr. Rodeo  Association.Brittany won trophies in the KJRA also.Unfortunately in 2003 she fell off of her horse at the Finals and broke her jaw; causing her to sit out the following season.She returned to action in 2005 and is now participating in KY High School rodeo.
She may only stand 5'2" but this dynamo is going to be one to reckon with when she graduates from high school and heads off to the PRCA. I am also going to predict that she ends up with one or more Rodeo Queen  titles. She is bright,loaded with personality and already has the boys drooling.
Brittany likes to read and to run and loves attending bull ridings.Her favorite barrel racers are Kelly Kaminski and Charmayne James. She's a salad,steak and potatoes girl  who loves Coca Cola.Her favorite music is country and her favorite movie is "Rodeo Girl."
In school she loves history while her least favorite subject is math
Her hero is 4 X World Champion Bull Rider Tuff Hedeman and her heroine is a great role model for her-her mother Rachel Back. Rachel is like Tuff's mom and sacrifices time and money to take Brittany and Steven to events all over the country.
Brittany and her family got her new horse by cleaning out stalls for  his previous owner.He is an 8 year old  App/Quarter gelding named Montana and he is loaded with heart.
Brittany is a sophomore in high school with a good head on her shoulders.She will be competing  in TN,ILL,IN and KY this year and she hopes tomake it to the National Finals. I wish her the best of luck.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sheila,  You did a great job.  But I dont know about all the guys drooling after me. lol


Anonymous said...

Thanks Brittany;and they are.I meant it when I said I can see you winning some of these rodeo queen contests.Keep smiling.You have a great smile and the guys notice.Your brothers are going to have to beat the guys away!