Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Uneven Weighted Scales Of Justice

By Sheila Totten

Life has never been easy for the Indigenous People of America-the American Indian.Once the foreigners came to their "Turtle Island" their lives were torn apart.Many were slaughtered in such horrible ways as to years later give Adolf Hitler  the ideas to copy this genocide  this time against Jews,Poles and other Europeans. Age and infirmity meant nothing to the European invaders.Babies were smashed against rocks,women were mutilated ;and babies cut out of their wombs.many were grilled alive.Oh yes,what we see in westerns as things the savages did to the settlers-its what the early Spaniard invaders did to the American Indian followed by the French who taught scalping to the Indian; and performed other atrocities on them.

Then the conquered people were sent to reservations where they were forbidden their way of life,language and religion.Many died when the government gave them contaminated and spoiled food and  also blankets from dead and dying soldiers  who had smallpox.Treaties were broken as soon as the ink was dry on the paper.The practice went on  as more and more indian land was taken due to greed for good farm land,rich hunting grounds and minerals as gold.That greed goes on today with strip mining,land seizures,etc.Rights have been taken from the tribes concerning their self governing ways;and the courts  have become a travesty of justice where misdemeanors  off rez become capital crimes if they happen on rez thanks to the government having taken away the Indian courts rights to conduct trials in these cases;and making mandatory sentences of life imprisonment for crimes where in the white world many see time served awaiting trial and probation as their punishment.

Maybe the biggest travesty of justice concerns  Leonard Peltier ; an innocent  warrior who was framed by the FBI and  who has been in prison for more than 31 years.If you have ever seen the movie "Thunderheart" then you might be aware of what went on  at Pine Ridge.Dirty FBI agents along with their GOON Squad made life intolerable their and later the GOON squads spread to other reservations where mineral were wanted;where sacred land was taken for strip mining of coal . Please read the article forwarded to me by Red Tree Woman.It reveals the truth  of what has happened and is still happening.Please write to Leonard and show him support.Thank you.


Leonard Peltier turned 63 years old on September 12, 2007, an international day demanding the immediate, unconditional freedom of this Native American artist, writer, and activist––one of the most widely recognized political prisoners in the world. Leonard has spent more than 31 years in some of the cruelest prisons in the United States, unjustly condemned to a double life sentence for the shooting death of two FBI agents in 1975. His situation is now aggravated by health problems. From his cell in the federal prison at Lewisberg, Pennsylvania, he keeps right on struggling for the rights of indigenous people.

Leonard Peltier: Silence Screams

by Carolina

The Message
Silence, they say, is the voice of complicity.
But silence is impossible.
Silence screams.
Silence is a message,
just as doing nothing is an act.
Let who you are ring out and resonate
in every word and deed.
Yes, become who you are.
There’s no sidestepping your own being
or your own responsibility.
What you do is who you are.
You are your own comeuppance.
You become your own message.
You are the message.
In the spirit of Crazy Horse,
Leonard Peltier

¡31 years behind bars!

Leonard Peltier turned 63 years old on September 12, 2007, an international day demanding the immediate, unconditional freedom of this Native American artist, writer, and activist––one of the most widely recognized political prisoners in the world.

Leonard has spent more than 31 years in some of the cruelest prisons in the United States, unjustly condemned to a double life sentence for the shooting death of two FBI agents in 1975. His situation is now aggravated by health problems.

From his cell in the federal prison at Lewisberg, Pennsylvania, he keeps right on struggling for the rights of indigenous people. He’s contributed to the establishment of libraries, schools, scholarships, and battered women’s shelters among many other projects. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 and again in 2007.

“My crime’s being an Indian. What’s yours?”

In his autobiography My Life Is My Sun Dance, Leonard explains that his bloodline is mainly Ojibway and Dakota Sioux and that he was adopted by the Lakota Sioux and raised on their reservations “in the land known to you as America....but I don’t consider myself an American.”

“I know what I am. I am an Indian--an Indian who dared to stand up to defend his people. I am an innocent man who never murdered anyone nor wanted to. And, yes, I am a Sun Dancer. That, too, is my identity. If I am to suffer as a symbol of my people, then I suffer proudly. I will never yield.”

Leonard tells us that when he was nine years old a big black government car drove up to his house to take him and the other kids away to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) boarding school in Wahpeton, Dakota del Norte. When they got there, they cut off their long hair, stripped them, and doused them with DDT powder.

“I thought I was going to die...that place...was more like a reformatory than a school...I consider my years at Wahpenton my first imprisonment, and it was for the same crime as all the others: being an Indian.”

He goes on to say that “We had to speak English. We were beaten if we were caught speaking our own language. Still, we did....I guess that’s where I became a “hardened criminal,” as the FBI calls me. And you could say that the first infraction in my criminal career was speaking my own language. There’s an act of violence for you....The second was practicing our traditional religion.”

When Leonard Peltier was a teen-ager, President Eisenhower launched a program to eliminate the reservations and move the people off, giving them a small payment. Leonard remembers that the words “termination” and “dislocation” became the most feared words in the people’s vocabulary. The process of fighting against dislocation was his first experience as an activist.

During the 60s, Leonard worked as a farm worker and, later, in an auto body shop in Seattle. At that time he got his first taste of community organizing. At the beginning of the 70s, he joined up with the American Indian Movement (AIM), initially inspired by the Black Panthers.

In 1972, he participated in the Trail of Broken Treaties, a march / caravan from Alcatraz in California to Washington D.C., and also in the occupation of the BIA in the nation’s capital. He became a target of the FBI program to “neutralize” AIM leaders and was set up and jailed at the end of the year.

1973: The Occupation of Wounded Knee

One of AIM’s boldest actions was the occupation of the village of Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation, the same place where the United States Army carried out its cowardly, infamous massacre of 300 Lakota people in 1890.

At the beginning of the 70s, AIM was getting together with the Lakota Indians who were true to their ancient traditions and wanted to hold on to their culture and their lands.

The BIA, worried about AIM’s growing influence in the area, imposed Dick Wilson as tribal chairman on the reservation, running roughshod over the will of the traditional elders and chiefs.

The puppet Wilson hated the AIM militants and allied himself with the FBI to destroy the movement that the agency saw as a threat to the American way of life. His paramilitary group known as the "GOONS" (Guardians of the Oglala Nation) had committed a long chain of abuses against the people.

On the night of February 27, around 300 Lakota and 25 AIM members occupied the town of Wounded Knee, joined by several Chicanos, Black, and white supporters. They opposed the murders of Native Americans on the reservation, the extreme poverty that the people lived in, and the corrupt tribal government. They demanded that the government respect the ancient treaties signed with native peoples to protect their territory and autonomy.

The next day, General Alexander Haig ordered an invasion. According to Ward Churchill and Jim Vanderwall in their book Agents of Repression, "In the first instance since the Civil War that the U.S. Army had been dispatched in a domestic operation, the Pentagon invaded Wounded Knee with 17 armored personnel carriers, 130,000 rounds of M-16 ammunition, 41,000 rounds of M-1 ammunition, 24,000 flares, 12 M-79 grenade launchers, 600 cases of C-S gas, 100 rounds of M-40 explosives, helicopters, phantom jets, and personnel, all under the direction of General Alexander Haig."

The operation also relied on 500 heavily armed policemen, federal marshals, and BIA and FBI agents. They surrounded Wounded Knee and set up barricades all along the road.

The occupation lasted 71 days and ended only after the government promised to investigate the complaints, something that never happened.

The next three years were known as the “reign of terror” on Pine Ridge. More than 300 people associated with AIM were violently attacked and many of their homes were burned. During these years more than 60 Native American people were killed by paramilitaries armed and trained by the FBI. There was also an increase of FBI SWAT team agents on the reservation.

It’s now known, as a result of a suit based on the Freedom of Information Act, that AIM activities on and off the reservation were under FBI surveillance and that the FBI was preparing the paramilitary operations on Pine Ridge a month before the shootout at Oglala.

Oglala: The fatal shootout

In a situation that was getting worse all the time, the Council of Elders on the Jumping Bull ranch near the town of Oglala asked AIM to come back to the reservation to protect them. Leonard Peltier, along with many other AIM members and non-members responded to the call and set up camp on the ranch.

On June 26, 1975, two FBI agents, Jack Coler and Ron Williamsen, followed a red pick-up truck onto the Jumping Bull ranch. They were supposedly looking for young Jimmy Eagle, who was said to have stolen a pair of cowboy boots.

A shootout began between the FBI agents and the people in the pick-up, trapping a family in the crossfire. Several mothers fled the area with their children while other people fired in self-defense. More than150 FBI SWAT team members, BIA police, and GOONS surrounded approximately 30 AIM men, women, and children and opened fire. Leonard Peltier helped a group of young people to escape from the rain of bullets. When the shootout ended, AIM member Joseph Killsright Stuntz was found dead, shot in the head. His death has never been investigated.

Coler and Williamsen were wounded during the shootout and then killed at point blank range. The two agents had in their possession a map with the Jumping Bull ranch marked on it.

According to FBI documents, more than forty Native Americans participated in the shootout, but only four were charged with killing the two agents: three AIM leaders––Dino Butler, Bob Robideau, and Leonard Peltier–– and Jimmy Eagle.

Butler and Robideau were the first to be arrested, and at their trial they stated that they had fired in self-defense. The jury believed the act was justified due to the atmosphere of terror that prevailed at Pine Ridge at the time. They were both found innocent.

The FBI was furious about the verdict and dropped the charges against Jimmy Eagle, according to their memos, “ order to direct the full weight of the prosecution on Peltier."

Meanwhile, Leonard Peltier went to Canada, believing that he would never have a fair trial. On February 6, he was arrested and then extradited to the United States due to the statement of a woman named Myrtle Poor Bear, who said she had been his girlfriend and had seen him fire at the agents. As amatter of fact, she had never known him and was not present at the time of the shootout. In a later statement, she said that she had been coerced into giving false testimony as a result of being terrorized by FBI agents.

Two life sentences!?

The Leonard Peltier Defense Committee has cited a number of examples of the injustice of the trial:

-The case wasn’t brought before the judge who had presided over the trial of Robideau and Butler, but instead before another judge with a reputation for making decisions favorable to the prosecution.

-Myrtle Poor Bear and other important witnesses were forbidden to testify about FBI misconduct.

-Testimony about the “reign of terror” on the Pine Ridge Reservation was severely limited.

-Important evidence, such as conflicting ballistic reports, was deemed inadmissible.

-The red pick-up that had been followed onto the ranch was suddenly described as Peltier’s “red and white van.”

-The jury was isolated and surrounded by federal marshals, making jurors believe that AIM was a security threat to them.

-Three young Native Americans were forced to give false testimony against Peltier after having been arrested and terrorized by FBI agents.

-The prosecutor couldn’t produce a single witness who could identify Peltier as the shooter.

-The government said that a cartridge found near the bodies was fired from the presumed murder weapon, and alleged that this was the only pistol of its kind used during the shootout and that it belonged to Peltier.

As a result of the Freedom of Information Act suit, FBI documents turned over to the defense showed that:

1. More than one weapon of the type attributed to Peltier had been present at the scene.

2. The FBI intentionally hid the ballistics report showing that the cartridge could not have come from the presumed murder weapon.

3. There was no doubt whatsoever that the agents followed a red pick-up onto the territory, and not the red and white van driven by Peltier.

4. Strong evidence against several other suspects existed and was withheld.

None of this evidence was presented to the jury that found Leonard Peltier guilty. He was given two consecutive life sentences.

Two consecutive life sentences?! How do they plan to implement that? Doesn’t the sentence reflect a deep fear of the spirit of Crazy Horse?

Bill Clinton: at the service of the FBI

The Leonard Peltier Defense Committee explains that a new trial was sought after several of these abuses came to light. During one hearing, the federal prosecutor admitted that “...we can’t prove who shot the agents”. The court realized that Peltier could have been found innocent if the evidence hadn’t been unduly withheld by the FBI, but a new trial was denied on the basis of technical errors.

The Committee says:

“In 1993, Peltier requested Executive Clemency from President Bill Clinton. An intensive campaign was launched and supported by Native and human rights organizations, members of Congress, community and church groups, labor organizations, luminaries, and celebrities. Even Judge Heaney, who authored the court decision [denying a new trial], expressed firm support for Peltier’s release. The Peltier case had become a national issue.

On November 7, 2000, during a live radio interview, Clinton stated that he would seriously consider Peltier’s request for clemency and make a decision before leaving office on January 20, 2001.

In response, the FBI launched a major disinformation campaign in both the media and among key government officials. Over 500 FBI agents marched in front of the White House to oppose clemency. On January 20, the list of clemencies granted by Clinton was released to the media. Without explanation, Peltier's name had been excluded.”

The efforts of the defense team are now focused on obtaining more than 6,000 documents that are still being retained by the FBI and on urging Congress to investigate FBI misconduct on Pine Ridge and the “reign of terror” that existed between 1973 and 1976.

In a recent letter Leonard said: “If my case stands as it is, no common person has real freedom. Only the illusion until you have something the oppressors want.... In the spirit of Crazy Horse, who never gave up.”

Let’s change how it is.

This September 12, the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee has announced cultural events in different parts of the world. In Philadelphia there will be a demonstration to demand freedom for Leonard Peltier, Mumia Abu-Jamal, the MOVE 9, and the Cuban 5, convened by the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal (ICFFMAJ), Philadelphia Jericho, Philadelphia Anarchist Black Cross, the African Peoples Solidarity Committee, and the Uhuru Solidarity Movement.

What will you do?

Write a letter to Leonard:

Leonard Peltier # 89637-132
USP Lewisburg
PO BOX 1000
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837

To sign an online petition or obtain information about letter writing campaigns, consult the page of the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee:

Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, case summaries
Leonard Peltier, My Life is My Sun Dance
Ward Churchill and Jim Vanderwall, Agents of Repression

Hau Ko'la
Great Spirit ~ Creator bless and guide us
extend the circle embracing all that is
May our thirst for spiritual awareness never cease
May forgiveness allow hate to never overwhelm us
May we remain upon the path of a good heart
for such is the way of the trail of our ancestors
I would die for my people and my country
Wakan Tonka made me an Indian

Monday, September 24, 2007

Charlotte,TN's Tye Allen Wins ABA Event At Circle 13.

Charlotte , TN's Tye  Allen Wins Circle 13's ABA Sunday Matinee

 I can finally say it was muddy at an event this season.We had a good turnout at Denmark and I was able to interview some riders. Scott Littrell did the honor with the Cowboy's Prayer  while former rider turned funnyman Mike Russell filled in as a judge along with Johnny Byrd.

The event began with a Junior riders exhibition.Dusty Russell who reminds me of a young Tuff Hedeman, drew Circle 13's black bull Star who sure didn't like the mud.Star didn't have much kick as he hop,skipped and jumped straight to the left and slipped at one point.Dusty scored a 65  to win the round as Dylan Clayton came down during the fourth jump aboard CWR's Ghastly Disaster who didn't mind the mud as he high kicked  and bucked with change-ups. The bigger the bull the less they will do in the mud.Ghastly is a lot smaller than Star; and as a result the mud did not affect his performance.It sure was good to have the rain we had so no complaints here..

Altus Dieterlen  was the first to come out of the chutes and the first to make a qualified ride.He scored 74 aboard Circle 13's  White Knight who took four leaps out of the chute before turning back into a left circle then reversed right.Tye Allen was the next one out and he rode Circle 13's 14K Golddigger  for 76 points. Tye had his work cut out as the bull bucked straight down the arena  with lots of kick before reversing back towards the chutes.

D.L. Goodman drew CWR's Cat Five Hurricane who took two long leaps out with power and high kicks to send D.L. to a non therapeutic mud bath. I hated to see D.L. come down but I sure am proud of my bull.

Charlie Mullins has really come of age as a rider this season. He rode CWR's TN Two Hawks for 69 points when Two Hawks made a wide traveling circle  to the left with  high kicking.It was a choppy,muddy ride ,but Charlie got it done.Matthew McCarley took over the lead with 77 points aboard Circle 13's Jordan's Pet who kicked high as he bucked straight to the left with lots of direction changes.Buck Friskillo got a reride as Circle 13's White Demon fouled himself at the gate.The bull bucked straight left then reversed right to get Buck off.Buck hung up but is ok. Jessie Perez tied for the lead aboard #327 Airliner who took one leap out then faked left and right before taking one  slow spin to the left and then stopped facing the chute at the buzzer.This bull has the time clock down and knew the eight seconds was over so ....Guess he's a Union bull!

We had a long intermission so riders could clean up and regroup. The roster was short for this event because of injuries happening  on Friday and Saturday to scheduled riders.When  the short go began it was Memphis pilot Charlie Mullins  aboard Circle 13's Bar 32 Full House.The bull took one leap out then spun left to give Charlie an early mud bath.Charlie had been out of shape as he came out on the bull and you just can't stub your toe on Full House.He's going to get you off and then watch out as he will go after you which Charlie found out. Charlotte TN's Tye Allen drew Circle 13's 180 Beavis who took two leaps straight out then faked right and left as he hop,skipped and jumped down the arena with lots of kick to his action.Tye was scored a 77 and that gave him 153 points on two head and the lead in the event.Matthew McCarley of Jackson,TN was the first rider up in the short go aboard one of my favorite Circle 13 bulls, #54 Super Dave who did not have his normal trip.He bucked straight  and alternated between kicks and no kicks as he faked right and left.Matthew scored 72  and had 149 for the event on two bulls.

Erik Glueck from MO. brought in Black Hooking and Jessie Perez should  have received a reride as the big black bull just hop,skipped and jumped real slow in a wide circle to the left  with no kick at all. Jessie scored 72 and had 149 on two head .Altus Dieterlen drew Glueck's Super 8  who stumbled and nearly fell over into the arena wall right in front of us.My "sister" and video camera operator Joy got a real mud bath from Super 8!Altus got a reride  on the same bull  who took three leaps straight out then circled left and slammed the gate at the buzzer.Altus scored 77 and had 151 on two head.He and  Tye  tied for the round lead.Tye Allen won the event with 153 points while Altus finished second with 151 points. Jessie Perez and Matthew McCarley tied for 3&4 with 149 while Charlie Mullins finished fifth in the event with his 69 points.

If you are interested in riding  it looks like the practice pen on Thursday nights will actually continue on till the ABA Finals. Come on out on a Thursday night to Denmark ,TN and The Circle 13 Rodeo Company and join the fun.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Current CBR News

Current CBR News

 The CBR is heading to the Navajo Nation’s Dean C.Jackson Arena on Tuesday, September 4th for the 2nd Annual Navajo Nation Championship Bull Riding that takes place during the weeklong Navajo Nation celebration and Fair.Bonner Bolton of Gardendale, Texas, last year’s winner, will be there to defend his title along with some of this country’s top bull riders. You can bet there will be entrants from the Navajo nation along with the regular CBR and PRCA riders who rank among the top competitors. PRCA World Champion Cody Hancock who grew up between the Hopi and Navajo reservations will be there along with PRCA NFR 8 time qualifier Jesse Bail who has been a speaker and guest at the Indian Agricultural meetings that are held during the NFR.

In a way this is close to a homecoming for CBR President and 4X World Champion Tuff Hedeman. Tuff and his brother Roach spent many of their formative years riding at events held in Gallup; and they are not strangers to the Navajo Nation. Tuff, Roach and their mother Clarissa were all close with Dr. Jackson and his family; and I expect Clarissa to make it to this event. Tuff’s mother, who spends her free time making dance regalia for Navajo dancers (including their roaches) prides herself on never having missed Gathering of Nations. She has instilled a love of heritage in all of her children.

Tickets are now on sale at the Arena Box Office, Bashas in Window Rock and Navajo Arts and Crafts Enterprises also in Window Rock.  This should be a great event to attend and I sure wish I was not afraid to fly or I would be on a plane out to it.


Red Wilk CBR Bull Bash

On August 29 & 30th the CBR invaded Huron, S.D. for the annual Red Wilk CBR Bull Bash at the State Fair. The dirt flew and so did many riders as the bulls who were some of the rankest in the land kept the qualified rides to a minimum on Wednesday night. Out of 41 rides there were only 11 riders who made it to the buzzer in the long go and only 4 rides in the short go. Bonner Bolton took an early lead with his 86-point ride aboard Harlan Robertson’s Scorpion. Layne McCasland returned from the injured list only to face Rich Bumbaca’s Rockin’ Robby who got the best of Layne.

J.W.Harris scored 86.5 to go ahead of Bonner with his ride on RS’ Lil Agent. Cooper Kangiesser rode RS’ Chico for 85.5 to tie with Dusty Gailey on Rock N Red. Round three was all bulls as the well-known Berger/Ryken Bowtech’s Vertical Force, several RS Bulls and friends blanked the riders. In round four Reese Cates scored 84.5 aboard Lacey and John Berger’s Untouchable while Jarrod Craig rode a bull whose name I love, Norman’s Nightmare for 85.I can’t wait to see that bull in person as I was always told I was Norman’s (my husband) real nightmare! Steve Woolsey made a great ride on the Berger/Ryken bull White Shadow for 87.5 to take over the lead. Jason Hunsaker rode the Berger/Ryken/Loe bull The Godfather for 87.5 to tie with Steve Woolsey while Will French rode Berger’s Pappy Jack for 82 points. Jody Newberry was the last to ride and he scored 77.5 on Kamo Kat.

Then it was on to an even more exciting short go as Bonner Bolton made a great ride aboard Robertson/Wilson’s World Champion bull Biloxi Blues for 91.5.Bonner maintained complete control and rode the great bull jump for jump. I am really looking forward to seeing the recap of this event on The Outdoor Channel. The ride gave Bonner 177.5 on two head and the night’s win.

Dusty Gailey, who was fifth in the round rode Berger/Ryken’s Danny Boy for 86 points giving him 171.5 on two head; and a third place finish for the night. Jarrod Craig rode Rich Bumbaca’s Auger for 88 giving him 173 on two. Jarrod was second in the round and second in the night’s event. Cole Echols and Chance Smart tied for 3rd and 4th in the round at 86.5. Cole who rode Bumbaca’s Easy Street was one of the riders drawn back and had no score in the long go. This was the case with Chance Smart also.

The night’s event of the 30th began in much the same way as top riders as Clayton Williams hit the dirt early. In the first round of the long go there was one qualified ride which was John Jacobs aboard Harlan Robertson’s Scorpion for 86.5.Harlan’s bulls were a handful and the next qualified ride was not till the middle of the second round. Douglas Duncan tied with Jacobs as hemad an 86.5 ride aboard Rich Bumbaca’s Give It Away. They remained in the lead till “Cody Sundby rode Bumbaca’s White Russian for 88 points to top the leaderboard. Paul Weinberger rode Bumbaca’s Mr. X for 84.5 and Sam Smith rode Bumbaca’s Double XL for 81.Hmm, I wonder if Rich is a fan of country music with all the bulls that are popping up named after recent hits.

Rounds three and four had bulls from various factions of the Berger family and I am not familiar with some of the new abbreviations being used beginning with the letter Y. In round three Ross Lewis scored 80.5 aboard the Chad and Lacey Berger’s Lucky while Brandon Edwards scored 84.5 aboard Berger/Ryken’s Kamo Kat. Corey Davis was next with 85 points aboard Berger/Ryken/Loe’s The Godfather. Jay Morrow ended round three with 86 points aboard Berger/Ryken’s Rex’s Rampage.

In round four Danell Tipton made a great ride aboard Lacey and John Berger’s Turbo for 89 points and the lead. Seth Reynolds scored 83.5 aboard Lacey and John Berger’s Rock On while Paul Hernandez scored 74.5 aboard Y5’s Mellow Yellow. Three riders (Garrett Vig, Shawn Coleman and Chad Castillo) were drawn back for the short go. Cody Sundby scored 87.5 as he rode Harlan Robertson’s Bad Action to take the lead in the short go and the night’s event with 175.5 on two head, which put him in second place behind event winner Bonner Bolton. John Jacobs rode Gold Bell Wine for 86, which gave him 172.5 on two placing him in second place for the night and fourth for the event which is figured on cumulative points from both night’s events. Seth Reynolds’s scored 87.5 aboard Harlan Robertson’s Bad Bubba and had 171 on two head to finish 6th in the event. I wonder if this is that same bad Bubba Terry Williams raised. That bull would get you even at feeding time! The top ride in the short go was a great 90-point ride by Ross Lewis aboard the Robertson’s World Champion bull Biloxi Blues for 90 points. That gave Lewis 170.5 and seventh place in the event. Danell Tipton’s 89 points in the long go held out for 8th place in the event. There were some injuries during the two-night event. Curtis Semans of Ravendon, Arkansas was stepped on as he came down right out of the chute. He suffered an inner thigh laceration requiring stitches He was sent to the hospital where he underwent surgery on his thigh. He was released the following morning and made itback to the event as a spectator but will be out of competition for 6-8 weeks. Steve Woolsey was stepped on in the short go and received a cut on the back of his right leg, which was treated. Sam Smith (Sulphur Springs, Texas) was KO’d for a minute when his head and Robertson’s Powder Burn’s head collided in the short go. Sam was on the way to a 90+ ride when the bull whipped him down over his head. Sam avoided serious head injuries thanks to the helmet he was wearing. He was treated by the Sports Medicine team and released. Chad Castillo (Liapn, Texas) had a left eye contusion and over the eye laceration when he was hit by the bull’s horn. He was sutured in the sports medicine room and should be at Window Rock. Ronny Kitchens suffered a broken free arm wrist at one of the many open bull-riding events he has been competing at but planned to make it to Window Rock. Cooper Kangiesser won’t make it though as he doctor released from it after suffering an elbow injury at the PRCA’s Xtreme event at Ellensburg, Washington.Cooper and his wife are the proud parents of a new baby boy. Congratulations to them and also to our friend Cody Hancock and his beautiful wife Rhinda who are expecting another baby girl any time now.

CBR /PRCA rider Tag Elliott underwent a second surgery on Sept 6th.Tag was severely injured on July 24th at The Days of 47 rodeo in Salt Lake City. Tag’s family sent a beautiful thank you letter to the CBR for their help with the benefit auction that Double Diamond Auctions put on to raise money for Tag’s expenses. Please keep the plucky 19 year old in your prayers. Sonny Murphy who broke his neck at the NFR expects to be back in action at Window Rock.Zack Brown who is leading the pack here at the CBR is out of action for four or more weeks due to a knee injury. Lucas Dick and Bryan Richardson are taking time off due to hand injuries that just won’t seem to go away.

I don’t know if it was the same horse that threw his dad, CBR President and 4X World Champion Bull Rider Tuff Hedeman, but Trevor Hedeman had a bad wreck while at a roping event in Ft.Worth.Trevor, Tuff’s younger son, suffered a broken leg when his horse flipped over on him.Dr.Tandy Freeman treated Trevor who is in a cast/brace combo and presently will not need surgery. OK, Tuff, if that’s the same horse who threw you maybe you need to come out here and get Widowmaker for Trevor. He’s still here.

According to Cicily Cross in her Crossroads column Terry Williams is back to working cattle on horse back around his ranch. He has done A-1 since his liver transplant and it makes all of us here very happy, as Terry is well loved by all. Window Rock is the first CBR event Terry has attended and he plans to make all the rest. I hope to go to the Lake Charles or Bossier City, LA.  Event and I can’t wait to see everyone. Rumor has it PRCA World Champion and 2006 CBR World Champion Matt Austin will be returning to action at Lake Charles.

The CBR event at The Navajo Nation Fair in Window Rock, Arizona is now in the record books; and it was Navajo Nation Bull riding Champion Spud Jones who won the event. The 18 year old was fourth in the long go with 86 points aboard Martin Baca’s Speedy Gonzales; placing fourth in the round. He made a great ride in the short go aboard Alan Murphy’s Smokin Joe for 91 points and you know his fans were cheering loudly. He’s the pride of the Navajo Nation and we are hoping he has many successful years ahead of him. He had a total of 177 on the two head to win the event and $10,000.

Tuff Hedeman has coached many young riders on the reservation; and he always tries to get the Indian riders involved in both the CBR and PRCA. Spud, with this one win has jumped to 16th place in the CBR standings. I hope he makes it to their Finals in January.

In round one of the long go Reese Cates scored 84 aboard Harlan Robertson’s Bad Wine but was quickly eclipsed in the lead by Wesley Silcox who made a great ride aboard Robertson’s Little Wicked for 89 points. Wesley finished second in the long go while Reese was eighth.

Cole Echols rode Robertson’s Scorpion for 85 points to end up in fifth place in the long go. It has been good to see Clayton Williams back riding in the CBR.He scored 81.5 aboard Harlan Robertson’s Wildside.

In round two Lee Woolsey rode Owen Washburn’s Black Sheep for 84 to tie for 6/7/8 in the round while Jake Littlefield rode Washburn’s Rhythm and Blues for 82.5. John Jacobs rode Mike Johnson’s Cat Daddy for 84 points and was the third rider in the tie. Ross Johnson, like Clayton makes the CBR events when he can. Owen Washburn’s MJ got the best of Ross. I remember when Ross proudly told me of his heritage adding that his wife is of Choctaw descent Riders freely open up now where years back they were afraid to admit to their roots.

Danny McDowell rode Mike Johnson’s All Jacked Up for 83 points while Shawn Coleman rode Six Pac To Go for the same score. And here we go again with song title names

In round three, Johnson’s Ridin Dirty blanked fan favorite and PRCA World Champion Cody Hancock while his Hi-Jack blanked another fan favorite and NFR contender Jesse Bail.

Caspar Baca brought some of his great bulls   and they were sending cowboys flying off till Kenny Westrope rode Caspar’s Pepe Le Pew for 89 points to end up third in the long go. Corey Davis rode Baca’s Allen for 79 points.

I have always been a fan of the Baca bulls and also Robbie and Chad Herrington’s bulls. I wish I could have been to Window Rock but I had to stay local for my own bulls. The Herrington bulls blanked all of their riders including Steve Woolsey and Huron winner Bonner Bolton who was last year’s winner in Window Rock. The only two qualified rides in the fourth round were Sonny Murphy’s 89.5 ride aboard Alan Murphy’s Mr. Incredible to win the long go; and also Spud Jones’ 86-point ride as already noted.

The action was hot and heavy in the short go. Jesse Bail and Travis Sellers were drawn back   for the round but Harlan Robertson’s Livewire and Mike Johnson’s Legally Blonde eliminated them. Clayton Williams made a good ride aboard Alan Murphy’s Rocky for 88 points, which gave him 169.5 on two and an early lead. Clay finished 6th in the event. Jay Dunford made a great 92-point ride aboard Harlan Robertson’s Bad Action to finish fourth in the event with 174 points. As he took the lead the fans were on the edge of their seats. Caspar Baca’s bulls blanked their riders before we got more members for The American War Heroes Club (90 point and 90 + rides). The nail biting actionheated up with Reese Cates 91 point ride aboard Owen Washburn and 5 Ladies’ Ladies Choice. Reese was third in the event with 175 on two head. He was followed by another good ride as John Jacobs rode Harlan Robertson’s World Champion bull Biloxi Blues for 89 points, which gave him a total of 173 and fifth place in the event. The excitement grew as Cole Echols rode Robertson’s Stand Off for 91 points to finish in second place with 176 points. Then came Spud Jones’ 91 point ride aboard Alan Murphy’s Smokin Joe which gave Spud the win with 177 points; and gave him a shot at the CBR Finals as he jumped from #41 in the standings to #15. Harlan Robertson’s Powder Burn blanked Sonny Murphy while Alan Murphy’s Mellow Yellow got the best of Kenny Westrope to end the nail biting round. I love all the CBR events but especially love those that are on Rez.Thanks to the entire CBR staff for their work to bring good, affordable events to all of our people.

The CBR heads to Lake Charles, Louisiana on Sept 22nd.That is always a fun event. Lake Charles is a great place to visit and don’t forget to stop at the Coushatta Reservation on your way to Lake Charles. If we are not bucking our bulls locally that weekend; and if I can get my traveling partner and photographer, country music’s Teri Lann on the road we just might see everyone there.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Corey Bailey Wins Two Day ABA Event At Circle 13

The American Bullriding  Association At Circle 13

We had a great time in spite of the hot,dusty weather at this two day event at Circle 13.Scott and Terry Littrell put on a great bull riding event   with the Sunday portion being dedicated to the memory of TN Rodeo Promoter and Producer, Jerry Williams.

Saturday night's event began with Jessica Perez,eight year old daughter of bull rider Jessie Perez and his wife Melissa carrying the American Flag. I am not even going to try and spell the name of the "Indian" Ciudad that Jessie's mother came from but Jessie was born in Chihuahua and grew up in Durango Mexico.His uncle,Martine Perea is the Mexican World Champion ; and Jessie ,himself , rode in Mexico . I hope to do an interview with Jessie who has explained to me that in Mexico there are three forms of bull riding and I intend to learn all about them. Melissa Perez  is of Cherokee descent from Maquokota, Iowa;and like myself  you cannot miss her heritage. Ok so we are stereotypical!Gracie Woods , Wes Woods' 4 yr old  daughter carried the Circle 13 Flag.  Wes and Johnny Byrd were  Saturday's judges and our funny man was ,of course ,Mike Russell who also did the Cowboy's Prayer. Matt Littrell and Brent Sisco were the bullfighters.

The event began with Corey Bailey of Paris,TN aboard Circle 13's A10 Rimshot who was  as bad in the chute as out.The big,powerful bull took two leaps forward with high kicking then faked right before going into a slow left spin then jumped out and bucked straight.Corey scored 75 to start off with an early lead.

The next rider was Jarret Melton aboard TNT Dynamite  who didn't have his normal trip but hop,skipped and jumped quickly across the arena to the

left.Jarret ,from Lexington,TN was in complete control as he scored 72.

John Frantz of Guthrie ,Oklahoma scored 74 aboard CWR Bucking Bulls' Cat Five Hurricane who traveled in a wide left circle with lots of kick and power.

Matthew McCarley,Denmark,TN,didn't fare as well as Circle 13's Slam Dunk did just that to him.Buzzard bait ,another good Circle 13 bull jerked the rope out of Clifton Alred's hand.Trey Knolton scored 77 to take over the lead aboard Circle 13's EG Get U Some as the bull bucked straight to the left then turned back facing the chute then reversed back left and bucked straight then reversed right.

Mike Russell's son Josh who now lives in Horn Lake ,MS. came down early fromP1 Prince Albert while Marvin Littrell's 49% Marvelous Marv got Buck Friskillo off early.Charlie Mullins of Millington  looked like he was going to make a qualified ride aboard my(CWR) bull TN Two Hawks but  Two Hawks  got Charlie off at 7.34 as he bucked in a left circle,alternating belly kicks with  back kicks.

We had a break in the riding for some barrel racing.Four year old Gracie Woods' time was 24.47 and she looked adorable .Lorise Stegal rode in 26.43 while Jessica Perez aboard old Kate  got a time of 23  although she was a little off the pattern.Uncle James took 19 mo old niece  Amelia Phipps around the barrels  ,leading her horse;getting his niece started really young.Ashley Russell,a pretty good barrel racer timed in at 20:12 on a horse in training while Jessica Edelman won the round with 15:21.

Then it was back to bull riding with Guthrie ,OK's Rick Marchant aboard P&M's  Red Wasp who took three huge leaps out  then made one loping spin to the left and dumped Rick when the bull jumped out of the spin.JM Cox of Jackson bucked off of Circle 13's 14K Golddigger who had lots of direction change with belly rolls.Zack Jackson(Middleton)scored 76 aboard one of my favorite Circle 13 bulls 54 Super Dave who took one leap out then made one spin to the left and jumped out and circled wide left before going straight.Zack scored 76.I want to add here that the many prayers for 19 yr old rider Brian Vincent  have had great results as  one of the ABA's most personable riders was cancer free in his last tests.Brian is now back riding at the practice pen.

Brandon Carter of Nutbush ,TN got his chimes rung by Jordan's Pet.Brandon hung up and spent more time under the bull then beside him. Jake  Whitman carried  Brandon out who had his vest blown off and his chaps and jeans tore by the bull. After a fifteen minute rest ,Brandon was fine.He had the wind knocked out of him and was just worn out.Jessie Perez (Henderson) rode one of Circle 13's biggest and baddest Copenhagen Drifter for the high score of 80.Jessie was riding against all of our advice with what is most likely a broken wrist but he's a true cowboy The bull spun to the left with lots of rear and drop but bad hand and all,Jessie remained in control.

D L Goodman(Mercer) drew P&M's Whitewater who took three long leaps out  then jerked the rope  out of his hand.Boo didn't have his normal trip as the black bull took three short hops before taking one spin to the right then jumped out of the spin and bucked straight but Colby Criswell still managed to tie with Trey Knolton for 2nd and 3rd in the round at 77.No shame coming off of P&M's Double Trouble who not only is small like Blueberry Wine  but bucks like him.The bull who has a very fast right spin had Van Lynch down too early.I like this little bull  a lot.

Colby Criswell bucked off of P&M's Waterboy in the short go but tied for 4th and 5th in the event with Trey Knolton.Colby hung up and in the attempt to save him the bull horned Matt Littrell in the head just above his right eye.Matt was a little woozy but he finished the event.Always the true cowboy! Colby didn't fare as well as he was kicked in the head and suffered a concussion and a possible broken jaw.He was taken to the hospital for x-rays.

Zack Jackson made a good ride aboard Circle 13's Denmark Biggs who faked left  then spun to the right  and it was nearly a reride option as the bull stopped for a second before  reversing left.Zack scored 74 to lead the event with 150 on two head. Jessie Perez drew Full House who is a handful. The big,powerful bull took 4 leaps straight out with lots of power before turning left and getting Jessie off.Jessie finished second in the event. Trey Knolton was down early from White Knight but still tied for 4th and 5th.The best ride just happened to be the last ride as Corey Bailey rode  Circle 13's Beavis for 82 points and a total of 157 on two head to win the event while knocking Zack down to second place. Beavis,a small bull exploded out then faked left and right then spun left with lots of kick and action.

On Sunday afternoon the event was dedicated to Jerry Williams. Several riders who were scheduled to ride  had called in  as they were having trouble getting back to TN and the event was delayed an hour.Guy Cox did the announcing for Scott and Mike Russell rode a bull in memory of Jerry Williams as  did Tim Frall.

Jerry's long time friend  Jerry Overton judged the event along with Johnny Byrd while Mike Russell gave the Cowboy's prayer.Robert Russell brought in the riderless horse for their lost friend Jerry Williams while Kina Cox carried the Double J flag.

Jessie Perez started the action off aboard Circle 13's Buzzard Bait and had a good ride going until 7.8 when he just could not hold on anymore due to the pain in his riding hand as the bull got him leaned back on his arm.Because  several of the riders were unable to get there in time and several who were scheduled had been injured Saturday this event was set up as two rounds with all riders  in them.Jessie declined his second round.Hopefully he will go have his wrist checked out and  heal quickly.Jarret Melton came down quickly from54 Super Dave while D.L. Goodman scored 66 as Cat Five Hurricane  who hates the heat bucked straight down the middle of the arena with power kicks.DL felt that power as he split the crotch of his jeans open!Josh Russell got KO'd  when Prince Albert yard darted him.That and the heat made Josh a little woozy for awhile.Corey Bailey made a good ride aboard14K Golddigger  who took two leaps out ,one right spin then jumped forward and bucked straight.

Like Jessie ,Van Lynch had a good ride going but Slam Dunk slammed him down at 7.8.Matthew McCarley redeemed himself with a 71 point ride when Beavis bucked straight down the arena with kick,rear and drop.

Both Josh Russell and Jessie Perez scratched for round two as the injuries took their toll. Jarret Melton added his name to that list when he came down hard and he might have a broken rib.The guys took an extra long break between rounds due to the heat.

Matthew McCarley rode Jordan's Pet for 71 as the bull took one leap forward then circled left ,covering a lot of distance.Matthew had 142 on two and was in the lead.

Boo  had a bad trip  as he took two short ,low leaps out and made one spin right before jumping out of it;continuing down the arena with lots of direction changes but no kick. Van Lynch was given the option of a reride although he scored 67 as Bull just didn't kick or get the elevation he normally has.Van declined the option and took the score .D.L. bucked off Get U Some while Corey  Bailey followed with a great ride aboard Circle 13's Full House who exploded out of the chute with two huge leaps then spun to the left once,reversed right with a roll then reversed back left with high kicks,action and power. He's a great bull! Corey had 152 on two to win the event while Matthew McCarley came in second,Van Lynch was third and D.L.Goodman was fourth.

The ABA will have two sanctioned events  at the Benton County Fair  at the  rodeo. The events will be on Friday and Saturday nights  in Camden,TN.Come out  and spend Labor Day Weekend enjoying both the fair and the ABA.

Denver PowWow Sept.8

The following was sent from fellow NAJA journalist,Stephanie Schwartz.This sound slike its goingto be a good PowWow  to take in and I hope everyone in the Denver area attends.


Media Contacts:  Rose Beetem, 720-913-0000 and Julie Behrens, 720-913-0115<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

August 23, 2007 Press Release                                                                                                     


18th Annual Friendship Powwow at the Denver Art Museum

Saturday, September 8, 2007 – Cost:  Free


(Denver, CO) – On Saturday, September 8, 2007, from 10 a.m. to 5 pm., the Denver Art Museum will host the 18th Annual Friendship Powwow, sponsored by Target. This free celebration of American Indian cultures has become a Denver tradition, featuring drum groups and American Indian dancers from the Denver area and the region. Dancers will compete in a number of traditional Powwow dances including Fancy, Jingle, Grass and Traditional, with the colorful grand entry at noon.


Outside of the dance arena, visitors can enjoy family art-making activities inspired by the Museum’s internationally-renowned American Indian art collection, storytelling and additional dance performances. American Indian arts and crafts and authentic foods, including Indian tacos and fry bread, will be for sale. Exhibitions currently on view that focus on American Indian art include Maria: American Icon, showcasing work by famed potter Maria Martinez, Cheyenne Visions II, New Classics, and  A Vested Interest.


Admission to the Powwow and the Museum is free. The Powwow is sponsored by Target. In Denver, Target partners with organizations such as the Denver Art Museum, Museo de las Americas and the Children's Museum of Denver to offer families free access to cultural performances and exhibitions. For more information about the Powwow, call 720-913-0162.


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-Stephanie M. Schwartz
Freelance Writer
Member, Native American Journalists Association (NAJA)
Volunteer, Link Center Foundation