Intro by Sheila Totten
Recently , Asheville,NC's councilman Carl Mumpower made some very derogatory statements about the Eastern Cherokee.This man who is running for office in the area which would make the members of the Eastern Cherokee Nation and their employees his constituents obviously must be unaware that Cherokee people vote! Maybe he is just wanting to alienate potential constituents so that he will lose the election.I do not know .I take offense at his remarks and pity the current constituents this man represents because of his prejudiced remarks. I have visited his election site(he is a candidate for Congress) and read his words. This is a Republican running as an independant who follows his own guidelines. He contradicts himself about Iraq. Bottom line is he has tried to paint the Eastern Cherokee nation not as a Sovereign Nation but as a special interest group only. Here is the rebuttal to Mumpower from Chief Michael Hicks, and I am proud to place it here.
Eastern Band of Cherokee is and will remain a sovereign nation
by Michell Hicks
published October 22, 2007 12:15 am
As the Principal Chief of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, I felt compelled to respond to the recent disturbing press release issued by Asheville Councilman Carl Mumpower belittling our Nation as a special-interest group.
Mumpower would not be the first American politician advocating for the destruction of our tribe and for the dissolution of our rights to exist as a distinct Nation.
Many advocate for our demise out of ignorance about our historic government-to-government relationship with the United States.
Look at history
First and foremost our Nation existed in this land long before Europeans and then Euro-Americans sought to establish themselves as sovereigns.
Our people peacefully sought diplomatic relations with the governments of England and France long before there was an American government, and so it was that the new United States recognized our right to continue to exist as a distinct Nation.
This sovereign right was established nearly 200 years ago, not just with the rise of our ability to legally operate a gaming enterprise.
We will fight until the bitter end to maintain and defend our sovereignty, no matter what the circumstance.
Field still not level
I do, however, agree with Mumpower that the current playing field is uneven.
Thank goodness someone finally understands that.
We have not been on a level playing field for the 200 years of our relationship with the United States.
Our people have historically been among the most destitute in the country, and we have worked tirelessly to provide our people with opportunities that many other Americans take for granted.
Our Tribe continues to avail ourselves of federal grant money, which is available to many communities. It is our right as citizens to do so.
What is most disturbing about Mumpower’s view is that he so readily dismisses the rights of those constituents he hopes to represent.
Is he so dismissive of our ability to operate a business within the legal limits of the law that he would accuse our people of being corrupt?
Jealous of success?
If our business is so “counterproductive to the interests of Western North Carolina,” why are we one of the largest employers west of Asheville?
Why are we the most visited destination in North Carolina?
Is it that Mumpower has no idea of the huge unemployment rates prior to the opening of Harrah’s Cherokee Casino and Hotel, or is it that he doesn’t care about the constituents in the counties that provide the majority of our work force?
I think Mumpower would better serve this district if he actually knew who he wants to represent west of Buncombe County.
Michell Hicks is Principal Chief, Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians.
am very impressed by Chief Hicks comments. It saddens me to see the continued prejudice towards fellow Americans who happen to be Cherokee. Many of us of Cherokee ancestry, and many enrolled tribal members have served the United States with loyalty and dedication to duty without question. In these days of unemployment, North Carolina is blessed to have their Cherokee brothers and sisters provide employment opportunities, and the income that comes from the tourist business. Anyone that truly knows the Cherokee people knows that family and community are the most important things to us. Now I do not gamble, drink , or smoke by choice. However many people do, and if these people chose to do so at a legally operated casino that funnels that money into the local economy than mores the better. What’s the problem? I am sure if there is a legal problem Chief hicks will be the first to investigate it in a transparent manner for all concerned parties. Well that is all, just wanted to say I was impressed with Chief Hicks’s comments.
I have would like to know if anyone has the genealogy on Chief Michell Hicks he claims he is a Descendant of Chief Charle Renatus Hicks and if so why is it not made public? If anyone finds out please email me at
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