Too many people today think that all tribes and nations living on reservations are rich thanks to money from Casino operations,oil leases ,etc, but that is so far from the truth that it is not funny.The once feared and proud Lakota Nation is now among the poorest of all in this country which gives aid to illegal immigrants before taking care of its own.Why? Is the government still afraid of the once mighty Lakota? Do they fear the prophecies of the long dead leader and hero Crazy Horse.? It makes me wonder. More than any other tribe or nation it seems as if the federal government has bent over backwards to keep the Lakota downtrodden. Look at the following article by Stephanie M. Schwartz and read about conditions on the 9 Siouian reservations in South Dakota. The thought of people freezing to death once again because they have no heat is not the stuff of westerns depicting conditions of the 1800's but it is fact .It is life! It is what is happening on these reservations;especially Pine Ridge,home to nearly 40,000 Oglala Lakota-the people of Crazy Horse.Look at the figures .Could you live on $3500 a year?What if Nashville or NYC or Boston or LA had unemployment ranging at 85%?That is the figure for Pine Ridge-well if you are Indian.There are non Lakota towns on the reservations where white people live in comfort. They have work.They have pride .It is the Lakota who do not have this .
People living in urban ghetto areas have better housing than the Lakota where over 60% of the homes are substandard Even the roughest inner city ghetto would not allow legal housing to be rented without running water or electricity.I am not talking about homeless living in abandoned buildings .How many illegals live here without running water or electricity? Many Lakota lack both.This is messed up!
Last year before it was known that the FEMA trailers were toxic the reservations begged for their use so that elders would not freeze to death but FEMA's director refused them.The trailers had to be moved east in case of winter storms.Funny,I never knew them to move trailers in after a Blizzard or Nor'easter; and I lived through many!Funny also that once they became aware of the toxic problems with the trailers and of the illnesses people living in them along the gulf coast had developed the offer to make them available to Pine Ridge came about.Reminds me of the genocide in the old west when blankets from soldiers dying of smallpox and other diseases were distributed along with tainted meat to the reservations. Sorry if I sound bitter.I am not as I cannot change history but I can ask for help in changing the present. Please read Steph's article that follows.
For the Lakota Siouxan Elders, the Disabled or the Sick
Who Live On the Reservations of South Dakota
2007-2008 is the third winter in which Link Center Foundation has strived to make a difference in the lives of the Elders, disabled, and ill of the South Dakota Lakota Reservations.
9 Siouxan Reservations in South Dakota: Pine Ridge Reservation, Cheyenne River Reservation, Crow Creek Reservation, Lower Brule Reservation, Rosebud Reservation, Sisseton-Wahpeton Reservation, Yankton Reservation, Flandreau Santee Reservation, Standing Rock Reservation
Among the poorest indigenous people in the United States. As example, the average income on the Oglala Lakota Sioux Pine Ridge Reservation is only approximately $3500.00 per YEAR with unemployment hovering around 85% on this 2.7 million acre Reservation housing approximately 35-40,000 people
Over 60% of the homes are severely sub-standard, many without running water or electricity
Winter low temperatures in South Dakota average 9* F (November through February)
Made worse with bitter wind-chill factors and Record Temperatures reaching -44* below 0*F (1996)
Lakota have died from hypothermia due to inability to pay for heating
The majority of funding goes to help the Elders only. However, there are those occasions when the disabled or sick are in crisis situations and critically in need of heat. Even though they may not be actual Elders, Link Center Foundation finds it cannot, and will not, turn away from them. Therefore, this project will now also include those rare and reasonable instances of severe need by those who are disabled and/or sick.
Help Us Help The Elderly,Disbled And Sick
All applicants screened and documented
Payments made directly to utility, propane, wood, or heat equipment companies
Donations carefully tracked and accountable
Link Center Foundation Financial Statements Available for Viewing at Your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. Please consult your tax advisor. Please mark your check: "Utility and Heating Fund" Otherwise, all donations will be placed in the General Operating Fund which supports all projects of the organization and operating expenses.Please send donations to: This is not spam. You have received this email because of some indication you have given me that you wish to be on my mailing lists. If you no longer wish to be included, simply reply to this email with "Remove" in the subject line. No hard feelings. -Stephanie M. Schwartz Volunteer, Link Center Foundation
Link Center Foundation P.O. Box 2253 ~ Longmont, CO 80502-2253
Or Visit Our Website for Credit or Bank Card Donation at
Freelance Writer
Member, Native American Journalists Association (NAJA)
Tags: Indian News
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