Eversince moving my Blog I have been so busy with our bulls at CWR Buckin' Bulls that I have not had a chance to write anything.I want to congratulate Guilherme Marchi on his victory at the PBR World finals .It was great seeing him win the World Championship.At the same time it was sad seeing the great World Champion Adriano Moraes retire.We all will miss him.Also retiring was two time World Champion Justin McBride who mlike his idol Ty Murray just decided to retire young.Like Ty Justin has had many injuries and I wish him the best. Ednei Caminhas was also set to retire but the former World Champion changed his mind and is competing this year.
Our Redneck Practice Pen is actually still going on during the winter though its weather permitting. We had planned to buck today but the ground is frozen so we cancelled. Steven Hagewood,one of our junior riders has come a long way and has the potential to become a star.He is the most improved junior rider here of 2008. Rusty Shattuck is our most improved Pro rider. We hope to find a place in one of the neighboring towns to move our operation to as Dickson County Codes will not allow anyone zoned Agricultural to even hold a regular weekly or monthly event unless they are rezoned commercial;and they won't rezone us because we are not on a major highway. What that means is that we cannot charge admission,sell concessions or have a jackpot.We are only allowed 4 events per year with the purchase of a permit and the rigamarole you go through to get a permit is ridiculous.You no longer can even have a hay ride without a permit detailing your route. Because we have a great group of riders and bullfighters who come here we will not quit.It means running at a total loss everytime but this is a great group and we won't let them down.Codes cannot interfer if we are in an incorporated town so we hope to move this.Once we do we will have at least monthly jackpot bull ridings if not more.And of course we will run our weekly practice pen.Till then the practice pen will continue right here at Cherokee Wolf Ranch in Cumberland Furnace.
Watch for my partners Tye and Trey Allen in the NABA Finals in SouthHaven,MS Febraury 7&8.They are really good riders and hopefully we will see them branch out and make it to some CBR events this year.Trey and Tye built and designed our small arena ; and run the practice pen.For Christmas my husband and I gave them 20% of our bull we raised Minnie Minerva's TN Twister and 20% of a new prospect we bought that is out of 4X World Champion Dennis Morris' big rank bucker #769.Since then we have partnered on two more bulls and a heifer with them that we just bought.Can't wait until the weather warms a little so we can try these bulls out.
Congratulations to Clayton Baethge on becoming the CBR's World Champion last night. Watch for the CBR now on GAC and RFD-TV.
Don't forget that the weekend of February 13th &14th is Milam and Parson's big event in Murray ,KY. You'll see bull riders and barrel racers from all over the country at this ;and some really top rank bulls as Brandon Gaspar's G-Unit and The Game unless they are scheduled at a PBR event.I am reallyhot about Brandon's bulls.He has some really great ones and if you are a rider try and make it to Milam and Parson's monthly buckle series in Buchanon,TN as you are certain to see some of Brandon's great pen of bulls up there with a lot of other rank bulls.
Looks like the PBR is changing many things this season.No longer will the fans see 45 top riders compete at every event.The PBR has trimmed its BFTS roster to 40 riders of whom the top 30 remain on tour with 5 coming up from the top of the Challenger Tour and five who are either under the Championship exemption of 5 weeks or returning from injuries with anywhere from 1-5 weeks left in their exemption.Look for some fan favorites as Colby Yates to be dropped down to the Challenger tour unless he makes a great ride today in Dallas .They also have been advancing whomever wins the San Antonio Discovery Tour event to the BFTS over and above riders on the CT top standings. They did the same last year with those who won at mesquite as an incentive to draw riders to that tour .I ,for one, feel this is totally unfair to the riders competing in the lower tiers who are winning events and in the top riders in the CT Standings. So far those they have brought up are way down in the standings.
Watch for an article on the CBR News.Their changes are really good news.Give you a hint.Fan favorite 8 X World Champion Bull rider Donnie Gay is now a regular member of their Broadcast crew.They have added a lot more events and a lot more activities for fans.
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