CBR President 4X World Champion Tuff Hedeman
Since I've been gone there have been many great changes at the CBR. If you have not been to their revamped site then please check it out.Their Intro is as my very British friend Angela would say"very smashing."I loved it.My only complaint is that the draws and results ar enot being kept current as they were for each event on their old site.
The change that has me excited is that for the very first time the CBR will have an event right here in Nashville,TN on June 10th.When I saw Tuff Hedeman and Wes Bruce at the CMA Music Fest this past summer I had a hint that in 2009 we would see more than a mechanical bull challenge at the Music Fest.This is great.The fans are going to love this.
I have to admit it was great to see Tuff,Wes,Cicily and some of the riders at the Music Fest.I sure miss all of them when I can't get to events.They were here as part of the Nashville based RFD-TV program at the Musicfest.
The CBR has a new show which airs on RFD-TV Sunday March 1st at 7:30PM EST called"CBR:Behind The Chutes".This also can be seenWednesdays at 5PM EST and Thursdays at 3AM EST.The show will highlight everyone involved from the cowboys through the stock contractors to the bullfighters while giving the fans an in depth view of what goes into bringing the CBR to network TV. I can't wait for the first show.
Several other changes have come up .As of March 3rd GAC (Great American Country)will exclusively air the actual event broadcasts on Tuesday nights at 9 PM EST ;Wednesday Mornings at 1 AM EST and Saturdays at 7 AM EST. This means that the CBR will be available to 36 million households on RFD-TV and over 55 million on GAC.
One of my favorite NFR commentators,Jeff Medders is the CBR's Broadcast Producer and part of the broadast team which now includes one of my all time favorites ,the great 8 X World Champion Bull Rider Don Gay.I just love his colorful comments. 4X World Champion Bull Rider and CBR President Tuff hedeman will be back doing what he loves. He will be very visible on the broadcasts as the Chute Boss on the arena floor and he will do his rider VS bull match-ups plus give additional commentary.
Also added to the broadcast crew is Hadley Barrett's co-host from RFD-TV's Beyond Rodeo, Susie Dobbs.Mahindra Tractors remains the official tractor of the CBR and will be the "Presenting" Sponsor of the 2009 tour.Ironically that happens to be a brand of tractor that we have been looking at for our little ranch.
In other news the CBR has announced some new bonus programs for riders and stock contractors. They are also bringing the CBR Cup back which has been on display at Billy Bob's for several years.Starting with the 2008 Finals the CBR World Champion will once again have his name placed on the CBR Cup.
Along with the cup,starting in the 2009 season riders will earn points based on their scores for a chance at winning a cash bonus and also win their place on The CBR Cup. The way it is explained is that a 91 point ride equals 91 points except during the World Finals when all points are doubled. With this new system the rider with the most points at the end of the year will be the next CBR World Champion and he will receive $100,000 as a bonus. The additional 14 top riders of the top 15 in the final Crown Royal Standings after World Championship will also earn bonus money starting at $55,000 for second place down to $1000 for 15Th place.
The CBR will also give a cash bonus of $5000 to the winner of Stock Contractor of The Year along with the usual Hy-O Silver Buckle; and do the same for Bucking Bull of the year.
The CBR is steadily growing and its going in the right direction.The riders,the bullfighters,barrel men and contract personnel,the bulls and the stock contractors are what its all about.Its the bull riding association with lots of heart and soul where riders want to come and ride and are not obligated to be at any number of events.
The 2009 Season began with The Beau Rivage Tuff Hedeman Mississippi Shootout in Biloxi ,MS and I am thrilled to say that Cody Whitney won that event. Cody rode King Clyde in the long go for 89 points and made a great ride in the short go aboard Hammertime for 95 to win the event with184.
The CBR has added a lot of events this year and presently has 18 scheduled. Their next event is The Casa Ford Tuff Hedeman West Texas Shootout in El Paso.Every year I intend to make it there and thought I would as it is my birthday but my riders ,my partners in our little arena are riding at the NABA Finals in South Haven MS and we have to be there for them.Four of us are celebrating our birthdays which are just a few days apart together down there.Maybe next year all of us will be at El Paso with the guys riding there.
The CBR will be all over the country this year with added events in Reno,NV;Nashville,TN;Lakeland ,FL;Fort Myers,FL;Hankinson,ND and a special event in May that is yet to be announced.