Tuesday, January 27, 2009
CBR Updates

Monday, January 26, 2009

Ryan Dirteater Tops The Field In Dallas
I am proud to announce that the Cherokee Nation's Ryan Dirteater won the PBR's Dickie's Invitational in Dallas,Texas this past weekend catapaulting him to number three in the BFTS Standings.Ryan rode Cat Man Do in round one for 89 points and a tie for first and second in the round.He looked great aboard that bull and kept correcting his position with every jump. Round two and the short go will not be televised until tonight but Ryan came in third in round two with 87.75 points aboard Stiffler and he rode The Geetus in the short go for 83 points and seventh place. I take it the bull didn't have his normal trip as he only scored 41 while Kasey Hayes scored 90 in the short go aboard California Dreaming who had a bull score of 44.25. When the dust settled Ryan had scored259.75 aboard three bulls,earning 774.75 points and a whopping $49,244.oo in cash.
I interviewed Ryan when the PBR came to Nashville lastAugust and I was very impressed not only with his riding ability but his attitude and character. He was second to Justin Mcbride in the event and the nineteen year old was thrilled.This is a young gun who has a good chance at making World Champion soon;and I hope this win will win him some sponsors from among the Tribes along with business sponsorships. He is living his dream.
J.B.Mauney was second in the average with 256 points on three head ; which put him in first place in the BFTS standings.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I'm Back with some news tidbits

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Congress Sides With The Cherokee Nation
I received a press release from the Cherokee Nation about the struggle to maintain their rights to sovereignty which were being tested when California Congresswoman Diane Watson demanded that Congress punish the Cherokee for wanting to remove 300 non-Indians from their tribal rolls.Ms Watson ,who has never stood up for Indian rights in her own state of California where some tribes disenfranchised members who are Indian took this stand to try and force the Cherokee to keep the 300 non-Indian Black citizens who were listed as Freedmen descendants as Cherokee citizens. MS Watson wanted Congress to cut of funding to The Cherokee Nation if they did not re-instate these 300 people. The Cherokee Nation has the rights of a sovereign nation and her actions would be similar to demanding that Canada make 300 people or keep 300 people they claim as non-citizens as citizens. This is an issue for the Cherokee court system and not Congress.
I am glad that Congress has refused to honor MS Watson's demands.Several times in the past I tried to interview her but she would not respond.She tried to have Congress stop federal funding for housing because of this but Congress voted to allow the funding to continue for the time being.Please read Principal Chief Chad Smith's statement outlining and explaining the issue.Thank you to all the members of Congress who have helped The Cherokee Nation.
NAHASDA Funds Continue Last week was eventful in our defense of the Cherokee Nation. We have been defending our sovereign right to self-determination, defending our citizenship laws which removed non-Indian eligibility. We were standing up to Congresswoman Diane Watson from California and others who have tried to attach language to laws that would forbid Cherokee Nation from receiving federal funds. Our main messages about this issues has been that we are a sovereign Nation that has the right to decide citizenship laws and that any conflicts with our laws can and should be decided in a court of law, not by the federal government. The United States Senate and House of Representatives passed measures last Thursday and Saturday preserving Cherokee Nation’s federal funding for housing services (Native American Housing and Self-Determination Act reauthorization, NAHASDA). The language of the measure stipulated that Cherokee Nation would receive these funds as long as a court order allowing citizenship for non-Indian Freedmen descendants remains in place throughout the tribal court case that will determine their eligibility for citizenship in the Cherokee Nation. I see the language in the bill as a sign that Congress recognizes the sovereignty and authority of tribal courts to settle internal disputes, which should be considered a victory for not only the Cherokee Nation but all tribes. It is unfortunate that Congress voted to single out an Indian tribe over a disagreement about the tribe’s internal citizenship criteria, but I consider it a good sign that they have decided that this is a matter that should be decided by the courts and not by politics. There are several elected officials who helped us defend our tribal sovereignty: Senators Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) and Lisa Murkowski (D-Alaska), as well as Congressmen Dan Boren (D-Okla.), Melvin Watt (D-N.C.), Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Barney Frank (D-Mass.), Dale Kildee (D-Mich.) and Steve Pearce (R-N.M.). I thank them for their leadership and for proposing a solution that is not punitive to Cherokee citizens who need housing assistance. Here is some background information on this issue: Currently, more than 300 non-Indian descendants of Freedmen are suing the Cherokee Nation in tribal district court over a constitutional amendment passed by Cherokee voters in March 2007 that restricted citizenship to people who have an Indian ancestor listed on the Cherokee Nation’s base roll. That amendment effectively ended a one-year period in which non-Indians were allowed to register as citizens based on a 2006 tribal court ruling. Those non-Indian Freedmen whose citizenship is in question have full citizenship rights, including access to social services and the right to vote, because of a May 2007 tribal court order that continues citizenship while the case is pending. If you would like to read about the facts of the citizenship issue of non-Indian Freedmen, you can look it up online atwww.cherokeenationfacts.org and www.meetthecherokee.org. Chad Smith Principal Chief |
Tags: Indian News
Friday, September 19, 2008
Guilherme Marchi PBR Classic
On Sept.25th the Los Angeles County Fair will play host to The Guilherme Marchi Classic presented by Jeffrey Scott Fine Magnetics.This event is part of the PBR's Enterprise tour and will feature both stars of their BFTS and up and coming riders from their Touring Pro division. Money earned here will apply to the PBR's Challenger standings and also to their Qualifier standings.
As all of our bullriding fans know,Guilherme Marchi is in first place in the PBR standings with a significant lead as they head towards their finals.Will this be Guilherme's year to take home that very special World Championship buckle? After being second several years in a row many of us are hoping that this year when the dust has settled in Las Vegas at the Thomas and Mack it will be ,in fact, Guilherme Marchi who is triumphant.
If you plan to be in the Los Angeles area make sure you attend the Guilherme Marchi Classic at the Los Angeles County Fair.
For ticket information and more information about the Fair please go to:
Tags: PBR
Monday, September 15, 2008
For The Best In Announcing-5 Time World Champion Bullfighter Rob Smets
Hall of Famer Rob Smets has hit the Rodeo and Bullriding Announcer's trail in earnest and you cannot go wrong if you hire this Icon of the industry.Not only is Rob a top announcer with tons of knowledge about every facet of Rodeo but he is a great draw.The fans love him and so will your sponsors. Contact him quickly to book dates because the 2009 season is already filling up.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Breaking News From The CBR
I have just received a press release from the CBR which states that The CBR has postponed the Tuff Hedeman Mississippi Shootout which was scheduled for this coming Friday,Sept.12th.in Biloxi,MS.The reason for this is the threat of Hurricane Ike hitting along the Gulf Coast. The event organizers vcurrently are working with the Mississippi Coast Coliseum to reschedule the event.Like New Orleans,Biloxi is often hit bad when a Hurricane approaches the area; and the CBR felt with the threat of Biloxi getting hit tha tthere is no other decision then to postpone this event.I have kept a close eye on The Weather Channel about the storm and it might strengthen.Even if it doesn't the impact would be like Gustav and call for evacuation of Biloxi.
The CBR's next event will be the Budlight Bull Bash Tour 2008 in Longview ,TX on Sept. 20th.I went to that last year and it was a great event.A word to the wise-take a jacket along for although it might be 90 or more in the daytime by evening Longview seems to cool way down and this is an outdoor arena.
Don't forget to watch the CBR on RFD-TV on Wednesday nights.Check your local listings for the correct time in your own time zone. I'll have my DVR on recording it as we have our weekly practice pen every Wednesday and it has turned into a 3 and a half hour event with about 200 spectators just for a practice pen. It cuts into my watching the CBR so I sure am grateful for my DVR.
Tags: CBR Bull Riding