Saturday, December 29, 2007

Kody Lostroh Takes Round One In Atlanta

The PBR started their 2008 season in Atlanta ,Ga tonight.Actually they were just outside of it in Duluth rather than the  at Atlanta's Georgia Dome  this year. Justin McKee and Michael Gaffney opened the show; and they make a good team.Leah Garcia looks great per usual and her first guest World Champion Justin McBride was in good spirits although he  hates having to sit out  6 months. Justin would like to come back early but is going to abide by whatever Tandy tells him.Leah asked Justin which riders he felt would be in the lead when he returns to action and Justin said he expects it to be Guilherme Marchi and J.B.Mauney.I disagree.I think it will be a close five way race between Adriano Moraes,Wiley Petersen,Mike Lee,Mike White and Chris Shivers with Sean Willingham,J.B. and Guilherme a little ways behind the leaders.

As for Sean ,he told Leah his main goal is to be number one  but  his immediate goal is to stay on more short round bulls. Bucking off of them was his downfall last season.

McKennon Wimberley was the first man out and made the first qualified ride of the season for 81.50 aboard Apache who spun to the right in a flat,sluggish spin.

Zack Brown who sits number 4 in the CBR bucked off of his bull and hung up.Zack had been riding really well till now.I expect to see him score  tomorrow.

Red Chester bucked Tyler Pankewitz off while Gas To Go faked left then went right to throw Billy Robinson off. Travis Briscoe looked great aboard Dip Dog who spun to the left into Travis' hand as Travis remained centered and on his rope while spurring.He took an early lead with 86.50.

Red Carpet bucked off Cole Taylor quickly but Dozer could not do the same to Mighty Mike White.It sure was good to see Mike healthy and riding well.Mike  remained centered  as Dozer spun to the right into his hand; but got a little out of shape at the end  and scored 85.25Oh give me the old half point system!I have never liked this change.I do not like the new  pick your bull system being introduced at the three day events.I think its unfair.What's next-allowing the riders to score their own rides.Come on. This is dumb!And so is the proposed season change.Ok,Everyone from the PBR has always known I always speak my mind;and my mind normally reflects what the fans tell me.Kind of "a word to the wise."

I don't know what the problem was with Black Fate but LJJenkins was given the option of a reride  as he climbed out of the chute.Fortunately Jason Bennett made a clean get away from Smash Hit when he came off the bull at 7.4 when the bull spun away from his hand to the left.

Nick Landreneau rode Cruel Dude for 85.5 as the bull circled right away from Nick's hand then went forward then faked left.Scary Deal was a dud as he took five  loping leaps forward then spun to the left. Tyler  Smith came off  then but the bull only scored 39.75.

Manlaw,a small bull with lots of kick spun to the right into Steven Shelley's hand then reversed left.Steven scored 85.75

Cord McCoy got the option of a reride as Cadillac Jack had a bad trip.The bull took two leaps out then jumped backwards before going into a flat ,right spin away from Cord's hand.

Deviled Egg did a quick fake left and right to toss Silvanei Dias off but Tony Mendes looked  good aboard Git r Done who spun to the right away from Tony's hand for 84 points.

Larry the Cable Guy could only be the one to come up with the name Eaten Britches.Don't let it fool you.he's a good bull.He bucked off Australian Jared Farley right away.

Welcome back Chris Shivers! Love his smile and his style.Chris made a good ride on Ranger who spun to the right away from Chris' hand with lots of travel and belly kicks.Chris scored 86.5 because of his riding style.In his interview with Leah ,Chris seemed to have his head in the right place as he is there to do what he loves-ride.He's not thinking about the money .And he made me laugh when he said that he wished Justin McKee would keep his mouth shut.Chris is a card.

Reese Cates disqualified as Rocky Top spun to the left  and Reese slapped him.Ned Cross was holding his riding arm after coming off of Turn Signal Tom who spun around to the right.Austin Meier didn't fare well as Little Tan Jacket took two leaps out faking left then right to buck Austin off.Valderon Oliviera got a reride when Deuces II just took long lunges out and went first around to the left away from Oliviera's hand then bucked straight down the middle of the arena.With a score of 54  you know he took the reride option.

I don't know why the same option was not offered to Clayton Williams as Full Circle rolled out with a fake left and was all over the place.Clayton only scored 76.75 and it seemed to be the bull's fault.

Congratulations to Ross Coleman who is anticipating the birthof his first son.His wife Amy will undergo induced labor next week unless Cooper surprises both mom and dad and decides to be a New Year's baby.Ross will miss the NYC event due to this. Ross scored 83 tonight aboard Cheap Trip who spun to the left away from Ross' hand then reversed to the right into it before jumping out.ross described the bull as"a nice little spinner."Brother Jake got Greg Potter off to the outside as  the bull faked right then spun left away from Greg's hand fast. Cliffhanger  took one leap out then spun right into Mark Lopes hand to get Mark leaned back and off.

Luke Snyder scored 86.50 to enter a three way tie for the lead  when he rode  Hornet for 86.50. Hornet took two leaps straight out then spun right into Luke's hand while Luke spurred aggresively.Meanwhile Missfire  did a quick fake left then right to toss Chad Denton off.Harve Stewart fell victim to Hillstreet who spun to the right into Harve's hand, getting him down into the well. Meanwhile Black Ghost tossed Dustin Elliott out the back door.

Wiley Petersen looked great aboard Hot Pistol.He was picture perfect with great free arm actionas the bull spun to the right away from Wiley's hand with lots of kick.Wiley scored 88 to take the lead and received his Enterprise bonus of $5000.

Cord McCoy took his reride aboard Sleepy who took one leap out then faked left before spinning right away from Cord's hand in a fast spin for 83.25.Valderon Oliviera was disqualified as his reride bull took two leaps out then spun to the left.Oliviera grabbed his rope.Dustin Hall flew out the back door as FogHorn took two long leaps out  then a 1/2 spin to the right before jumping out  of the spin to reverse left.Physical education spun away from Beau Hill's hand to get him off early.

It was good to see Mike Lee back in form.Lil' J ,a small bull, spun left into Mike's hand and Mike made the ride look too easy as he scored 84.75.Gambler spun to the right away from Renato Nunes' hand to buck Nunes off.

And then it was Adriano Moraes' turn.He looks great and is a force to be reckoned with this year. The bull took a big leap out and stumbled but Adriano never faltered.The bull spun to the rightaway from Adriano's hand then reversed left into it with belly rolls.Adriano scored 85.75 and in his interview with Leah he said he was there to have fun but this might be his last hurrah.His head is in the right place and I sure hope he makes this number 4.

El Gato spun to the right away from Kasey Hayes' hand after bucking  in place three times with elevation. Kasey score 86.75 Brian Canter rode Platinum for 83 as the bull took three jumps  out then spun to the left into his hand.As Brian hit the ground the bull stepped on his riding arm . Leah said Tandy said it was bruised and he strapped it. Far West threw brendon Clark out the back door at 3.3 while Paolo Crimber got a reride option when MVP II had a terrible trip.The bull circled left away from Paolo's hand  with a loping gait  and no upwards kick, just some belly kicking.

Sean Willingham scored 82.50 aboard El Patron who took two wild leaps followed by a half spin to the left away from Sean's hand then reversed right into Sean's hand.

Cut The Card's made a half turn left and Matt Bohon hit the dirt.

Kody Lostroh rode Dark Side for 88.50  to take the lead  as the bull took one leap out then spun left into Kody's hand with lots of travel.Kody remained centered  with good free arm motion.

Robson Palermo  scored 86.75 on Thrillville who spun  left into his hand while covering lots of distance.

Paolo took his reride aboard Devil Dog who spun to the right into his hand then reversed left while scoring 86.25.J.B.Mauney rode the new Coyote Ugly for 81.75.The bull is not even close to the old Coyote Ugly we were used to seeing as he spun left into JB's hand  with not much timing then jumpe dout of it and circled left.J B looked out of shape a lot.Not a pretty ride.Last out was Guilherme Marchi on Friday Night who spun to the right into his hand slowly then jumped out of the spin with out much action. Guilherme scored  82.25.

Kody Lostroh won the event.He's my type of rider in that he is not out for the glory  of the Gold Buckle or the money but he's loving  what he is doing.He's having fun riding  and if he does win the World then its an extra.He's concentrating on riding each and every bull.

I want to let everyone know that Justin McBride is not the only one who had to undergo shoulder surgery.Tandy operated on Evan Rasch yesterday so please wish him well too. Like Justin,Evan will be out for 6 months.Cory Rasch is riding touring pro events and you can see him on January 4th in Louisville,KY and Jan.5 in Jackson,TN.Meanwhile Jody Newberry and Mike Collins fans can catch them at the last three NABA events of the season; and at the NABA Finals in Memphis,TN.

Atlanta continues tomorrow night on Versus while  the next event is Madison Square Garden

I'm Back

Sorry I have been away so long but i am building my own news web site ; and not being a computer whiz its taking awhile. I promise to update the World Finals reports for the INFR,ABA,PRCA and PBR plus the last CBR  event in Jackson,MS and update everyone on the NABA.I also have a piece I am working on about the Virgin Births of Buffalo.I  do promise to get tonight's results from the PBR's  first round out now.They were in Atlanta,GA as their first event  in Ohio was canceled.