Thursday, November 30, 2006

Prayers Needed

I'd like to address two things right here. For those who have gone to my website and wondered why it has not been updated, the reason is my webmaster,Mike Cohoon, has had serious heart related health issues  and has been unable to work on it. Everything is at a standstill there right now and with all the sites he  does because his health has to come first.He's a good and talented man and needs prayers to get him through this .Because of that the second item is to request that everyone says a prayer for him.Mike  spent a lifetime in the service of this country till he recently retired from covert actions and began his own computer businesses .Since then he has suddenly had a massive heart attack during last winter and because  he was not covered as politicians and military are  with insurance he received poor care in TN thanks to the TNcare  cutbacks. He moved to KY where he now receives better care but his heart has been damaged by the low quality of care received in Clarksville for congestive heart failure.Mike has several blocked arteries but cannot have bypass surgery or stints put in because somehow the front of his heart tissue has worn paper thin.He was told by the new doctor who is stumped at how to help him that he was when he finally got assigned to this doctor 4-8 weeks away from another massive heart attack and possible death.

Among other things,Mike has had to sleep practically standing as he has filled with so much fluid that it chokes him if he lays down.  The hospital in TN never addressed  the normal fluid productions problems associated with congestive heart failure and did not put him on any regimen of fluid shots or pills. He really needs lots of prayers and is an unsung hero of this country- an American  version of James Bond to be exact. He has saved many and sacrificed a lot to keep us free.

His new doctor is looking into the possibility of a pacemaker but  that is up in the air right now.Please say a prayer for him .He's a good man and needs all the prayers we can focus on him.Thank you.Meanwhile I  will put the articles that were to go on the website here and on my other blogs so I have not forsaken anyone.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Justin Richard Wins CBR's YMBL Bull Riding At Beaumont

Justin Richard Tops The Field At The CBR's Beaumont Event
by Sheila Totten
The CBR had a great crowd for the YMBL Championship Bull Riding at Ford Park in Beaumont,TX  on October 20th and 21st during the last weekend of the South Texas State Fair.When the dust cleared on Saturday night and all the results were tabulated it was Houston's Justin Richard who was the winner with 174.5 on two head and winnings of $8,121.60. Justin was the last rider to ride in the long go on Saturday and he made a good solid ride aboard SY's Spiderman for 84.5 to end up fourth in the round. Justin  drew Jerry Nelson's Woodstock and made a great ride  on the bull for 90.5. If the last name sounds familiar  then the dance he did after the 90.5 ride may have cinched it for fans who wondered.Just like "Little" Gary Richard  would do, Justin had the crowd on their feet with his roof raising dance .The acorn sure doesn't fall far from the oak!The three top riders of Saturday's go round were still to ride at that time  but all three ended up bucking off. Justin had topped Layne McCasland's Friday night score when he made his ride but had to wait while Cody White,Clayton Williams and Logan Knibbe faced off against Jerry Nelson's Flash,and his Blackwater and Robinson/Wilson's Spiderman. The three bulls  blanked the riders one by one and when the dust settled it was Justin Richard who was the event champion.
The fans who came to the event not only saw some of the best bull riders in the country but also saw some great bulls.On Friday  in the first section of the long the fans  saw the bulls  blank seven out of nine riders including Ronny Kitchens, Gabe Benally and Colt Munden. Kenny Westrope scored 83 aboard R/W's Reno while Layne McCasland scored 86 aboard R/W's Wild Ride.It was more of the same in the second section as the good buckers from Lufkin Ranch and Rodeo and Jerry Nelson  blanked all but  three riders out of 13. Bonner Bolton was unable to attend due to injuries.. Bo Schroder  scored 69 aboard Lufkin Ranch and Rodeo's American Freedom while Douglas Duncan scored 80 aboard LRR's Sonic Cat. Sonny Murphy rode Jerry Nelson's Short Mag  for 85.The third section only had two riders and both made  great rides .D.J.. Shields  rode Jerry Nelson's Spuds McKenzie for 87.5 while Justin Koon rode JN's Moonshadow for 88.5.
The fourth section had two qualified rides out of seven.Chad Couch made a great ride aboard Jerry Nelson's  Three Alarm for 89 while Cody Graves rode SY's Killin Time for 80. Matt Austin was unable to ride as he had been injured at the PRCA rodeo in Liberty ,Texas where he tore groin and abdominal muscles. After several different diagnoses ,Matt went to see Dr. Tandy Freeman who made the final diagnosis. Matt is currently in a rehab program  to try and get his muscles in shape for the NFR and will see Tandy again today,Nov.7th for further evaluation. There is a question of a sport's hernia.If there is one Matt will need surgery and that means he will be out for about three months. Matt missed the Xtreme Bulls Finals.
In the short go six riders were called back because there were only nine qualified rides in the long go.Colt Munden redeemed himself by winning the short go with a great ride aboard R/W's great bull Mercury Rising.this is one powerhouse to get by and Colt was in control as he scored 89.5.
Shawn Coleman made a solid ride on Herrington Cattle Company's Smokin Joe for 86.5 while Jake Wade scored 88 aboard R/W's Big City. Layne McCasland scored 87.5 aboard R/W's  Texas to lead the event with 173.5 on two head. Layne finished second in the event.Chad Couch's 89 point ride in Friday's long go not only won the round but placed him fourth in the average. Justin Koon who was second in the round was  fifth in the average while D.J. Shields  who was third in the round was seventh in the average. On Saturday it was more of  the same as the bulls dominated the field.In the first section Tye Odden scored 82 aboard R/W's Cajun Moon while Chad Castillo was 83.5 on R/W's Vestle. Cody White scored 85 to lead aboard Wild Ride.
Section two had Clayton Williams as the only qualified ride as he was solid aboard R/W's Sidewinder for 85.5 while Rich Griffith was the only score in the third section.He rode Jerry Nelson's Boobie Dance for 74. I get a kick out of some of the names that Jerry comes up with. I think he wants to embarrass announcers!If Boobie Dance was not enough Jerry's NuckingFutz bucked off  Ty Scoggins in the fourth section. Can't wait to see someone slip up on that name.
Welcome back Zack" spur em in the neck" Brown .I knew  a rider as good as Zack could not stay away  .Zack has even moved from California to Texas.He rode  Nelson's  Tickle Me Elmo for 62 and it was enough to get him to the short go. Dusty Higgins scored 78 aboard Jerry's Boston's Dance while Logan Knibbe was great aboard  SY's Rapid Rat with 88 points.The last man up was the soon to be event winner Justin Richard with his 84.5 ride aboard SY's Spider Man.
Six riders were drawn back for the short go .Of the six(Kenny Upton,Cody Hancock, Jake Littlefield,McKennon Wimberley, Robey Condra,Brian Curtis)only McKennon Wimberley had a qualified ride and that was aboard Jerry Nelson's Clueless for 88.5 .Great going McKennon! He was second in the short go on Saturday and third in the cumulative short go.
Zack Brown made a strong  and solid ride aboard R/W's Mercury Rising for 86.5 and finished sixth in the cumulative short go,third in Saturday's short go and third in the average.Way to go Zack!  Justin Richard made his 90.5 ride five rides later to top the round,the night and the event..

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Adriano Moraes Becomes The First Rider To Win Three PBR World Titles

Moraes Toughs It Out To Win Third PBR World Championship

by Sheila Totten

Adriano Moraes is smiling happily tonight and his entire family is thrilled.Adriano at 36 has set yet another precedent in the PBR.He was the very first rider to win a PBR World Championship.He followed that with becoming the first rider to win two World titles.Now Adriano has again made some people eat crow by winning his third PBR World Championship .Two nights ago the doubting Thomases like Ty Murray were all writing an injured Adriano off.Adriano who had been solid and rode his first four  and in round five was given a reride when his bull did not perform well. H ethen came down early from the reride bull when he suffered severe back spasms.Even his wife was unsure if he could continue but with his deep faith in God  Adriano forged ahead. He went for treatment before round six and felt better but by the time the broadcast began he was again hurting.He then went and had a chiropractor work on his back and returned to the arena feeling better but  the pain began again when he mounted his  sixth round bull and it was a quick out of the chute off.When round seven began here came the naysayers especially Ty once again bringing up age and Father Time.Maybe Ty forgets that some riders ride exceptionally well into their forties.If cancer had not struck down Freckles Brown there is no telling  how old he may have been when he retired.That man competed  in bull riding at ages tha tonly team ropers still seem to be competing or steer ropers or us hardy woman barrel racers.

I said Adriano would win this year and I am thrilled for him and his family.He is not only a superman in bull riding but a super great guy  and to see him him rush to Flavia and their boys and his father and other family members it was just so great.

The entire story of the Finals will follow shortly.I am very busy getting things ready for my web site and I am sorry that my blogs have suffered. Hoping that the site will be updated over the next few days.Join us there and jump on the forum.